Saturday, November 29, 2008

Featured EtsyBlogger: Storybeader

Storybeader makes unique jewelry and poems just for you. Every piece comes with a haiku poem especially made for you.

Someone years ago brought me a silver necklace with Fetish Bears on them from a trip out west. I know they are supposed to be good luck and when I saw this necklace (below) at Storybeaders shop I went and found my necklace.

There is anEtsyBloggers HOLIDAY S*A*L*E* is going on from Black Friday thru Cyber Monday!!

Storybeader is offering 10% off all items in the shop, plus free shipping in the US. So check it out!*

* I have been sick so sorry for the tardiness of this entry


storybeader said...

thanks for the wonderful feature - and get well soon {:-D - I'm ok with reading it at the end of the month!

sewitsforyou said...

oh you're welcome. Sorry I was so slow..