My bubba came into this world 16 months ago today. He is a HUGE blessing and I feel like we are so lucky to have him in all our lives. Here are a few boastful mom things that I love about him
1. the good morning hugs I get when I am able to get him out of bed.
2. his giggles they crack me up
3. how clever he is. I see so much of my hubby and myself in him.
4. when he smiles I see glimpses of myself and my dad in him.
5. how my grandma shortly before passing called him lazy because he wasn't walking and less than 24 hours after she passed he started walking all of the time.
6. how he makes me feel awesome everyday and brings such joy to our lives.

This is an old pic of when he got his 1st awful haircut 3 months ago. It was soo bad, pardon my boob shot