Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Etsybloggers Blog Carnival for May

Our task for this blog carnival was to write about a great summer trip/vacation. One of the best summers I ever spent was in 2002 when I moved to attend the Academy of Art in San Francisco. I had just graduated with my Master's degree and won a fellowship to attend AA for the summer. I was so excited to finally do something creative. I signed up for a photo storyboarding class and a production class.

The day I arrived in SF it was hot as hell. My friend, Alex came to pick me up and his truck has no a/c. I had sent a lot of my things ahead of time to SF for my place and Alex was kind enough to accept them at his work and schlep me to my place. The next day I work up and I swear it was like 40 degrees, totally freezing.

I met so many amazing people that summer. I was around all of these incredible artists that just fed my soul. I was taking pictures again on a daily basis, doing things without a care, being reckless and loving it. My classes didn't really count for anything but I went everyday and made 2 A's and they meant more to me than any other A I had ever made.

I was very sad to leave SF. It was a great summer full of fantastic culture, art, people, food and drinks. I think it was the summer I truly grew up. It shaped the rest of my journey to allow me to move on and make some of the best decisions I have ever made.

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