I was super busy this weekend crafting and running errands. The days sometimes at work seem so long and yet on the weekend when I could actually use the time it seems as though I have 1/2 the time I need.
I am working on a great tote bag, I thought I would have gotten it completed this weekend but I didn't.
Here are some pics of my WIP tote (it's the back) and the thing I did get accopmlished over this weekend.

A lot of people have been asking about backs or works so I am going to try and take them when I remember. This guys has about 2 more hours til he is done.

Stacey and I are getting together to do most of the final planning for the prep for Handmade Holiday Bazaar. I am looking very forard to it!
haahah think pork... so funny!
Great work,as usual! I miss you!
Crafty Ninja! How awesome, I want one! :) Thanks so much for your nice comments on my blog!
Karin you can buy the pattern at www.urbanthreads.com. I may sell them at the etsy store too. I think I am going to borrow your idea with the consume less for the next bag.
Kittykill I miss you too.. :o(
Brook, thanks for looking!
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