My friend Stacey at Elle Belle blogged about my dish ran away with the spoon towel I made for her daughter elle. Could that kitchen be any freakin' cuter??
I so appreciate it when other crafters/artisans have nice things to say about my work. I may not have 100 people comment on my blog but to have that tiny bit of recognition always brightens my day. Kristi is always checking out my stuff on flickr and on my blog. She has gotten quite the huge following now, but still always is super sweet to me.
I have done some comments on Melissa's flickr pics and she has started a blog called Operation Nice and I love the idea of this blog. She has gotten some recognition from Daily Candy and big paper in Philly. The whole blog is about being kind and nice. We can all use a bit more of this in our lives.

Here are some pics of the last things I have completed. I am planning on crafting all day Saturday.

I am going to see "Rent" on Sunday with my sister. We are both HUGE Rent fans and Rent has sadly gone off Broadway and they taped the final performance with the original Broadway cast. I am not sure if the original cast is performing the last show or it they are just there. My sister and I were lucky enough to see the original Broadway cast in 1996. I can't wait but I really need the time to get stuff done for my two shows.
This pic is a rough draft of the one we are going to have run in skirt.

This is the one I am planning with Stacey
Hosted By: Handmade Holiday Bazaar 11-9-08
When: Sunday Nov 09, 2008
at 10:00 AM-6:00PM
Where: Fiberologie
411 15th Ave.North (across the street from Limey's)
St. Pete, Florida 33704
United States
Over 35 vendors! Free to get in and goodie bags to the first 25 people who are at the show.
The second one is
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sarasota Municipal Auditorium, Noon - 6pm
801 N. Tamiami Trail.
Tickets Available at the Door
$5 for adults | $3 for students and kids over 6 | Kids under 6 are free with parent or guardian.

It is being put on by my friend Adrien and check out the AHB site.
that kitchen is so freakin cute! And you are right Kirsti is such a sweet gal!
Aw, shucks! *blush*
You make it easy to be nice! :) Your work is so darn cute, how can I NOT say anything? :-)
Holy moly! You are one busy lady. Awesomeness all around!
You are so busy! Such awesome stuff-as usual. You are so wonderful. Watch your mail for some goodies!
I'm so in love with your embroidered dishtowels! The next time I buy dishtowels it will be from you :).
I don't know if you've ever played tag before but there's an online game in progress and YOU'RE IT. lol. The rules are that you have to name 6 things about yourself that most people don't know and then tag 5 other bloggers. This particular game of tag is for the Etsy Bloggers Street Team so you'll need to tag fellow members :).
Have fun :)! *evil grin* lol
Thanks everyone for taking a look. I have been a bit behind this week kinda feeling crappy but I am doing better.
My three most ofetn readers always make me smile. Thanks girls!
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