This was George on the big screen on the side of the stage. I didn't want Dan to get the most expensive tickets. I went to hear him I think I still picture him in my head like the Wham GM or the Faith GM.
We went out for dinner and being the anal person I can be got there like over an hour before the show started. I was so excited and thought parking in downtown Tampa could be a pain, plus we have had a lot of rain lately , not just rain thunderstorms so I wanted to be able to park and not be wet..lol We chatted with a British family in front of us. They were really sweet. We people watched and there were some lookers, different than a Depeche Mode concert but a lot of people in Tampa that don't own mirrors.
He was like 45 minutes late and apologized 1st for being late and second for being gone so long. He said he was late because he wasn't used to the ac in the states and we could tell because it was so ridiculously hot. Dan and I stood and danced the whole night we were soaked. I know some of the shows in the UK were 3 hours ours was a bit under two. He sang a lot of Wham songs but not "I want your sex". He did sing "I'm your man" "Father Figure " the pic below is from that, "Too Funky", Faith, I can't remember all the rest he did the second encore was freedom. I danced my ass off and I don't dance..I did almost get in a fight, the entire arena was up dancing and some lady behind me had the nerve to tell me to sit down. the 10 rows in front and to the side of me were standing up and when I sat down I could not see. it wasn't like I was the only one standing up while everyone else was sitting down
Long story short, I loved seeing him. I will always remember it. Dan and I had a great time and hopefully he will tour again.

We spent all day yesterday laying down our new bamboo flooring. My knees and lower back are killing me. Crafting is much easier. Dan did all of the saw work and I laid a lot of the flooring down. We still need to finish with the quarter round and all but it is mostly done. Dan wants to start on the office this week but when he called me exhausted form work this morning he said he was in a world of hurt so those plans may change.
I am so glad you had fun at the concert! Sounds like it was a good show. :)
Your floors look soooo good. I am totally jealous! I want new floors, but it's gonna be a while before it happens. :( Oh well!!! lol.
Ok what exactly is the song "father figure" about??? please tell me because it sounds sort of creepy and I used to go to karaoke and this guy would sing it and I always thought it was sort of weird.
Thanks kristi. My crazy husband wants to lay the other floor this weekend. I tried to get "space bags" yesterday to organize the rooms and turns out they suck..
The concert was great. We had a lot of fun. We never go out anymore so it was nice to dance and sing and be silly.
Brook, I think the song is about someone caring unconditionally for someone else. It's hard to say because a lot of his earlier stuff refers to loving women and even when he was singing about a woman and everything he said under his breath yea right. I was just replaying the words of FF in my head and I think it was supposed to be just a song about support and love but I could be totally off the mark,,
The floor looks so awesome! I love it. So great that you got to see George Michael. How much fun!
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