I am working on a bunch of new and exciting things. I will keep you posted as they come to fruition ( keep your fingers crossed)..sooo excited!!! I can give two hints two of these new thing involve Stacey and Kittykill!

I found this pic on the Internet and it is so true. It made me smile cause I thought of Napoleon Dynamite.
P.S. There is another wonderful mother of a hurricane brewing in the ocean now..I hope it doesn't come here.
Oh! I saw this on Flickr, but as an embroidery piece. I loved it at first sight...
Oh, and hey you better not keep us in suspense too long, I wanna know about the exciting things you've got going on! Lol.
I want to know what is going on as well!! Is that a black apple drawing?
Kristi and Brook I found that pic about 2 months ago and saved it on my computer I am not sure who did it I am looking into it as we speak.
I promise to unveil the crafty goodness as soon as possible!
ooh, that illustration is sweet! bet it would nice embroidered :)
great blog you have here... keep safe, hope that hurricane doesn't come your way :)
Brook flor told me it was Emily Martin and I thought it was but then I couldn't find it..lol
Reg I hope the storm stays far away and thanks for the kudos on the blog it's not as cute as your but then I am a little slow in the html dept.
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