I didn't do much this weekend except work on two big projects. I am looking at them now thinking to myself that these weren't such a big deal, then I remember it took most of the day Saturday and Sunday to complete them...

Carlotta's Cat is from
Alicia Traveria's site. I fell in love with her work after she designed the sex librarian patterns from
Sublime Stitching. I was able to make her with Alicia's Permission.

This is from a Shag illustration. I was never brave enough to do this before my friend
Kittykill did a fab pillow( see below) for me for a swap.

Computer is still broken which kinda ticks me off. I have to make some more grown-up stuff for the show in November. Maybe some more napkins or bags or something. I have way more kids stuff than anything else...
I love the two items you worked on, and Kitty's pillow for you. You ladies are so inspiring. I can't wait to get started stitching. I have the tools, now I only need the nerve.
thanks for checking me out! You will do great Jennifer! It is so easy, I taught myself with Jenny's stitch it kit..I had to be patient at first and I still mess up all of the time..lol
I love your stuff! It looks so great! I miss you horribly! Hurry up and get that computer fixed.
I love the first one the best. It deffinalety looks like it took a lot of work!
Great job!
I know kittykill. I am over it. I think the computer guy went MIA and I am getting pisssssssed!
Torrance I love shag but I do not think I did it justice Kittykills is much better but alcicia's piece was sweet..I am doing another atrtis work on my skirt her name is maicen can't wait!!
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